Neos Networks and OG: a rebranding story

  • April 1, 2021
  • Reading time: 2 min

Rebranding is one of the most involved, complex and fun creative processes you’ll go through. Even when you know the company you’re rebranding pretty well, there’ll be a lot of learning, challenge and change. Add a global pandemic into the mix and that’s all heightened, with in-person workshops turning into virtual playbacks – and the lack of shared snacks that entails.

That’s certainly our experience in working to rebrand SSE Enterprise Telecoms as Neos Networks, which launched yesterday. 

We’ve worked with Neos Networks for years, across the entire Brand to Sales service stack. And this project began in 2019, with a piece of work to look at SSE Enterprise Telecoms’ position in the UK telco market, as they planned to decouple from SSE Group.

It led to a need for a new brand, a new statement to the market, and a new way to position themselves as a business-focused provider of critical network connectivity services.

Neos Networks had to be fresh, dynamic and a reflection of the mission of the business, as it grows and develops its network and services over the coming decade. For us as an agency, that meant an incredibly involved process that challenged our assumptions about our client, and challenging our client a bit too.

In terms of process, we went through everything you’d expect. Creative workshops looking at everything from perception and the meaning of brand, to colour palettes, tone and logos. We worked alongside our friends in the Neos Networks marketing team, led by Katie Ireland, to engage a wide group of stakeholders across their business – as well as their executive board.

We also thought about what to call the new brand, how it would look and feel, what it would say, and why it would be different from everyone else in telco. And we created a creative launch plan (which starts right now), involving rebranding hundreds of existing assets, a new website, as well as creating a lot of fun new video, motion and visual content to help Neos Networks introduce itself.

As with all big projects, the course of Neos Networks rebranding never did run smooth. Where we started in our pitch feels a million miles from where we’ve ended up today. And there have been bumps here and there (plus, yes, that pandemic again).

But that’s where the value of long-term partnership shows itself. We know Neos Networks. They know us. It meant getting through roadblocks, the changing of minds and trying to do collaborative, creative work in our dining rooms and bedrooms all the more straightforward.

And the fruit of it all is what you can see today. A new brand, a new message, a new online home and a lot (lot) of new creative work. All of it representing a mission to improve connectivity in the UK.

We’re super proud of it. And you can check it out here.

Hey! Has this made you think about zhushing up your brand? Get in touch.

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