Octopus Group Rises in the UK B2B Marketing Agency Table

  • March 28, 2023
  • Reading time: 2 min

This year’s B2B Marketing Agency rankings are officially here! We are delighted to announce that we have ranked strongly in the league table, with our overall position up four places from last year. It’s a testament, of course, to all the hard work, collaborative innovation, and brilliant results we’ve seen across the agency in the last year.

Despite a year of continuous change and the constant challenges, we face in our economic environment, all whilst recovering from the blows of the last three years. OG has had another successful year. We’ve carried out some phenomenal client work and even picked up some awards along the way. From B2B website of the year at the UKDEA awards to selling planes for Rolls Royce to being named the Marketing Agency of the Year at the UK agency awards. This year has been another great one for Octopus Group, and we look forward to the future and being a leader in the B2B Marketing space.

We came in at 22 in the Top 91 UK B2B Marketing Agencies, up from 26 in last year’s B2B Marketing Agency rankings.

Jon Lonsdale, CEO of Octopus Group, discusses the long and the short game in uncertain times and how to find the balance with Brand to Sales™. 

“Any idiot can do short-term. Any idiot can do long-term. The trick is to do both”
Hugh Johnston, long-time Pepsico CFO

“So, balance the long and the short in your B2B programs, brand, and sales, as we head into uncertain economic waters and the board conversations get ever more tricky. We would say ideally talk to an agency that has built itself around this idea and has all the thinking, expertise, and technology to support your in-house team in the quest to find the right balance for your brand. But at the very least, let it be your B2B planning guide for 2023”

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