Roctostock 2022 – We came, we saw and we’ve just about recovered…

  • July 25, 2022
  • Reading time: 5 min

It’s safe to say Roctostock – our annual company festival – has a mythic status at OG.

I’ve been hearing about it since joining in September 2021. The undoubted highlight of OG’s social calendar, the overnight festival has earned a reputation like no other. Unfortunately, I joined a tad too late last year… and while I’ve enjoyed scrolling through the pictures, I was more than ready to get involved myself.  

There was an extra buzz surrounding Roctostock this year. Last year’s event was the first time a lot of Octopedes had actually met in person after two years’ of lockdowns – but this year felt different. We hadn’t spent the lead-up talking over a screen on zoom. We’d been face-to-face every week, enjoying evenings down the pub and countless games of pool in the office.

I knew I was in for a special day with some great people. But would it live up to the hype?

A few weeks ago, in a field far, far away…

Sci-Fi was the theme of this year’s Roctostock. Each team was assigned a different sci-fi favourite: Matrix, Black Mirror, Alien, Star Wars, Star Trek, Men in Black, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Doctor Who. I was Team Matrix, so I set off on a search for the best Neo cosplay (under £20) I could find.

Every Roctostock involves a different team activity, and this year we enjoyed The Sci Factor. Each team was asked to plan and rehearse a performance relating to their movie, with prizes awarded for the best performers.

The Sci Factor!

Boldly going where no Mason had gone before

When the day itself rolled around, excited was an understatement. After a boozy coach journey through London fuelled by countless cans of Pina Coladas, we finally arrived and set off to pitch our tents. The Great British Summertime came through with some rain, and I won’t lie: pitching a tent in the rain a few drinks deep was a struggle. But the troops quickly rallied, and after some more field-drinking and a round of one bounce, it was time for The Sci Factor to begin.

As each group gathered around, a ‘glitch in the matrix’ twist was added to our talent show. We had to build a spaceship, so my team gathered in a circle to build the best possible reincarnation of The Nebuchadnezzar from the Matrix. Then, it was time to begin our talent show.

It was incredible to see such a wide variety of fun performances. From a thrilling poetic rendition of that Alien scene to a Stranger Things-themed pilates session led by the brilliant Louise Brooks, the show had it all. Our collective eyeballs were burnt by the sight of our Head of Digital in a rather sultry white bunny outfit, and we saw that some Octopedes (we see you, Pierre!) had moves. Others… did not.

But in the end, there could only be one winner: the Trekkies and their xylophone rendition of sci-fi tunes.

Team 7th Wonder of OG portraying Black Mirror

But as Sci-Factor came to an end, the night had just begun. After a few hours of eating, milling around, face painting, and rounders, everyone returned to the tent to watch our beloved Band to Sales launch the party off with some classic bangers.

And so the night went on, the DJ kicked the party into hyperspace, and the final survivors flung themselves around the tent til the early hours of the morning. I finally decided to hang up my dancing boots and head back to my tent around 3; after waking up the following morning with a sore head and a slightly wet tent, my mood was still high.

It’s safe to say my expectations of Roctostock were surpassed. It really is the event of the year!

Mason, Oliver & Simran

Of course, I wasn’t the only Roctostock newcomer. Check out what some of the other Octopedes had to say on their favourite highlights of Roctostock 2022.

Performing with my team (especially Pete rolling down a ‘hill’ dressed as Barry the Hut), gyrating like a drunken fool on the grass to Beyonce and getting to spend a nice amount of time partying with people I hadn’t spent much time with before!” Alastair Kirk, Copywriter

Hilarious fancy dress, Oscar-worthy performances, and OG’s very own Band-to-sales’ gig: My first Roctostock experience was certainly one to remember! A great day spent with some wonderful people, I can’t wait for next year.” Jessica Mead, Marketing Account Manager

Barry the Hut

Not only was it my first Roctostock, but my first experience camping. I’ve got a bunch of unforgettable memories, pictures, and TikToks with almost everyone; it was so nice to spend time with people I don’t usually get to see. And with my team winning best dressed it’ll be hard for next year to top!” Aliyah Jeewa, Account Executive 

Rocktostock, although being a blur, was definitely nothing like I have ever experienced. My first-time camping was soon eclipsed by the multitude of alcoholic beverages being passed my way. All in all, it was an amazing time. My highlight being when my team, the Dobermans, won the dance competition (No idea how) and I will be wearing my gold medallion with pride.” Jide Cliffe, Paid Media Specialist

“The week before was full of getting my Doctor Who lab coat crafted to perfection and brushing up on my fantastic dance moves for our performance. Of course, my team got the perfect score on the day. But Roctostock wasn’t just about winning gold in the Sci Factor. It was a day of building friendships that last a lifetime. It’s an experience I will never forget.” Jahdia Spencer, PR Account Executive

Band to Sales

See you next year, Roctostock! Would you like to party with the OG team? Check out our open positions and apply now.


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