Spilling the LoyalTea. B2B Loyalty is the New B2B 2.0

  • May 15, 2023
  • Reading time: < 1 min

Check out the latest instalment of the Spilling the LoyalTea podcast. OG’s Chief Growth Officer, Nicola Pestell, joins Brad Blackmon (EVP of CRM at Publicis Commerce) and Melissa Berger (EVP of National Strategic Growth and Solutions at Digitas) as they spill the tea on B2B loyalty. With B2B marketing in the middle of a renaissance, Nicola shares where the industry is moving and the importance of building relationships and loyalty in B2B

“We want to look at lifetime value of our customers, we want to look at retention, we want to look at the whole customer journey piece. Where does that go to? How can we keep our clients with us as a brand?”

Nicola Pestell, Chief Growth Officer @ The Octopus Group

Nicola, Mellisa, and Brad discuss: 

  • A short history of OG, including our transition to a Publicis Groupe agency.
  • Nicola’s role at OG and her focus on growth and marketing within the B2B space.
  • How us marketers can prove our value and be smart with our content. 
  • The importance of loyalty and relationships in B2B. 
  • The evolution of the 1.5 trillion B2B eCommerce market.

Listen now: 

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