Is your ABM Intent-Driven?

  • November 16, 2023
  • Reading time: 2 min

As B2B marketers know all too well, the vast majority of B2B buyers aren’t actually ready to make a purchase. In fact, only 5% are ready to buy at any given time – leaving a whopping 95% ready to buy only at some point in the future.

That’s not to say you can’t speak to the 95%. After all, speaking to people is what brand building is all about.

But if you’re really looking to target the 5% ready to spend, then you’ll need something that can help focus your efforts more keenly: intent data.

Cue intent data

Intent data is information about an individual that signals buying interest or intent. It encompasses a broad range of information. If someone visits a web page about one of your products, that would be intent data. If they have downloaded a how-to guide that you sent them (or some other marketing material), that would also be intent data, as would be specific keyword searches and social media interactions. 

There are two main types of intent data: first-party and third-party. You get first-party intent data from your website or marketing automation platforms. On the other hand, third-party intent data comes from external platforms and provides a broader view of a prospect’s online activities.

Wherever you get it from, intent data can help marketers align their strategies – not just with the actual needs of their audience – but also their timelines. Indeed, one of the key benefits of intent data is its ability to identify potential buyers who are actively considering a purchase. By focusing on this subset of the audience, marketers can focus efforts to reach those who are closer to the decision-making stage.

And if that’s not enough, intent data can refine your account-based marketing (ABM) too.

ABM and intent data

ABM is a strategic approach that focuses on specific high-value accounts. As a general rule, it’s about personalisation: ABM aims to create unique buying experiences for customer acquisition, relationship-building, and business growth. As a practice, it delivers results. 80% of marketers say ABM improves customer lifetime values, while 86% say it improves win rates.

Armed with intent data, you can focus your ABM on prospects with an even higher likelihood of engagement. And instead of reaching out randomly, you can time your marketing and sales efforts to coincide with moments of heightened interest. This can stop people from wasting time on prospects that aren’t actually ready to buy any time soon, potentially paving the way for even more successful ABM.

Balancing acts

While intent data is fantastic information to leverage, it’s not a magic bullet. As some have pointed out, by the time a buyer signals their intent to buy, it might be too late for marketing interventions to matter that much.

And everything depends on your goals. If lead generation is what you’re after, it makes sense to harness the power of intent data and let it feed into your ABM strategies. If you want to build a brand, intent data definitely matters a lot less.

After all, all of marketing is a balancing act – requiring a blend of data-driven tactics for effective lead generation but also broader, brand-building initiatives to create a lasting presence.

Talk to us about ABM today.

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