Octopus Group Shines in the PRWeek UK Top 150 2023 B2B rankings

  • May 15, 2023
  • Reading time: 2 min

The list all you B2B PR masterminds have been waiting for is finally here. That’s right, the PRWeek UK Top 150 2023 B2B rankings has just dropped, and we’re thrilled to announce that we came in at number 2!

Despite another tough financial year, OG continues to grow and learn with each stride. In 2022 we had the privilege of working with some of the biggest B2B brands in the world, covering a wide range of industry sectors. Such as; Technology, Aviation, Communications, Broadcast Media, Compliance, Finance, HR, Agritech, Telecommunications, Software, Hospitality, Financial Services, Hotel Chain, Electronics Technology, and many more.

Throughout 2022, we worked on exciting new projects across the industry, delivering phenomenal award-winning client work along the way, from working with Zivver to execute a global thought leadership campaign to helping position KX as a leader in the real-time streaming analytics space.

Check out the full industry rankings and read what OG’s CEO, Jon Lonsdale has to say below.

Jon Lonsdale, CEO of Octopus Group, Discusses Industry Impacts, Growth in 2022, and Future opportunities for OG in 2023

“Over the last couple of years, the wider agency marketing and PR sector has been in rude health. And for b2b specifically, the sectors we tend to serve most, all buoyed by venture capital and private equity, have been investing heavily in marketing.

Octopus has grown in terms of revenues, people and capabilities during this time and we’re extremely proud of the work we’ve done with our clients. However, like other agency leaders, I do feel we are now all adjusting to a new reality with our clients of planning for more moderate growth as businesses’ spending tightens across categories.

But it’s our job in agencies to look ahead. To adapt, diversify, innovate our product and unearth new sectors to keep our businesses growing and new briefs flowing in. I think b2b agencies are brilliantly equipped here. Adaptability, flexibility and diversity of approach is key.

Here at Octopus, we’re most excited about business data and insights innovation, building generative AI into our workflows, the growth of b2b commerce and the shift back to business brand-building from a pure performance focus. All big opportunities that lie ahead.”

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