Sedex appoints Octopus Group for UK PR

  • October 26, 2021
  • Reading time: 2 min

Sedex, a global membership organisation enabling responsible business and supply chain practices, has appointed Octopus Group as its UK B2B PR agency. Octopus will support Sedex to drive market awareness and position them as a leading voice around sustainable supply chain practise.

Sedex provides businesses with the tools, technology and insights needed to operate ethically, source responsibly and work with their suppliers to create fair working conditions for the people who make their products and services. Over 60,000 businesses, including many of the world’s major consumer brands, use Sedex to manage business risk, meet compliance and drive positive impacts for people and the environment.

Octopus Group will help Sedex increase brand awareness across the company’s main target sectors and drive engagement with core audience groups. It will also help Sedex to generate strategic campaigns based on their unique data insights on worldwide supply chain risk and best practice.

Recent studies have shown the growing concern of consumers around environmentally and socially sustainable practice and the opportunities for businesses that put this sustainability at the heart of their organisation. With a McKinsey study finding that 66 percent of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable goods.

Olivia Thomson, Communications Manager at Sedex, comments: “We’re delighted to be working with Octopus Group, and excited to see what our partnership brings over the next year. There’s a huge amount of opportunity for Sedex given current high-profile topics, which we’re keen to leverage to help us reach our 2025 strategy goals.”

Toby Brown, Head of PR at Octopus Group comments: “Businesses are realising that operating responsibly, with respect for human rights and the environment, is now central to business success. Sedex is a fantastic example of how technology and data can enable companies to make a real difference in their supply chains, and we’re excited to help them to become a leading voice on critical issues facing businesses.”

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