The First Apprentice: You’re hired

  • March 28, 2022
  • Reading time: 5 min

I’m OG’s first apprentice, social media executive, part-time fitness lover and full-time eater Mason Lucas!

Assigned to the marketing team, I work alongside Giles Shorthouse (Head of Business Development & Marketing) and Jon Lonsdale (CEO). In my role as the social media executive, I’m responsible for all the social media channels we run, as well as assisting with other aspects of marketing.

Why did you want to work in marketing? 

My brother deserves credit for that. I gained a lot of insight into marketing thanks to him working in the industry. He provided me with the opportunity to learn about the different types of marketing, taking on as much work as I could possibly do in one day. I even had the chance to gain some hands-on experience during my summer breaks at school. I attended work experience for my brother’s agency, where I shadowed him in his day-to-day activities and was handed projects of my own.

My first task was to design a website. Since I’ve always seen myself as a creative individual, I jumped at the chance. Not only did this grow my knowledge of the industry, but it also allowed me to work within a fast-paced office environment.

After I finished my work experience, I knew then and there that I wanted to work within this industry. I went on to pursue business studies at a-level, which allowed me to deepen my understanding of marketing – and the rest is history!

Why an apprenticeship? And how did you come across our apprenticeship?

Growing up, I was never really interested in the university lifestyle. I knew the moment my sixth-form days were over: I was ready to start working. I began to investigate the alternatives options. Although I wanted to get straight into work, I also wanted an industry-recognized qualification. And what better to offer both of those things than an apprenticeship?

I began searching the apprenticeship websites daily, filling out application forms and answering the same questions again and again until I came across a site called Multiverse. Their mission is to ensure young people have access to the best career-focused apprenticeships on offer, and I couldn’t ignore the amazing reviews left behind by previous apprentices – so I signed up.

That’s when I saw it, right at the top of the page – Social Media Executive at Octopus Group. It grabbed my attention straight away. I needed to find out more about this agency. One application and two interviews later, here I am now.

What has been your highlight so far? 

Tough question. There have been so many highlights even in the short time I’ve been here. Apart from setting a new record for the most slices of pizza eaten in one lunch break, I’d have to say that Christmas holds a special place in my heart. Taking a trip to Winter Wonderland for the first time in my life with a group of friends made for a great night and a memorable experience, even if the ice skating did leave me black and blue the following morning.

What are you looking forward to?

I can’t wait to complete my apprenticeship and earn my level 3 digital marketing qualification at the end of the year so I can kickstart my marketing career and mastering my craft. And, without a doubt, the annual summer marketing festival and legendary OG work event, Roctostock. That will be one for the memory books!

Has the apprenticeship met your expectations, surpassed or below? Why?

My expectations have been surpassed by far. My manager Giles Shorthouse has been nothing but supportive since I joined OG. Not only has he been a fantastic mentor to me during my apprenticeship, but he’s been a great friend and has helped me in and outside of work. The support from my team has made my apprenticeship run so smoothly.

I didn’t know what to expect when I started my apprenticeship last year. I knew I’d have to put in the work to be successful, but I had my doubts about how it could play out. Would I have the support I need? Would the teaching be clear and understandable? Would the lessons and events be engaging? The answer to all of the above: yes!

Luckily, I’ve had great support from everyone at OG. The people at Multiverse were also really helpful, and the coach they put me in touch with is always there to support me and provide correct resources.

What stood out for you in your first few weeks?

Coming into Octopus Group, I had no idea if I’d be the perfect fit for the company. As you can imagine, I was pretty nervous for my first day. However, by the end of the first week, I already felt at home. The culture is unmatched. Starting a new job at a place where you feel that comfortable so early on is very rare, and it wouldn’t be possible without the amazing human beings who work here. From the people I work alongside every day to the people I’ve only spoken to once, I feel like I have already made some great genuine connections in my short time here. Despite the fun we have at Octopus, the work ethic stays strong. Every Octopede knows what’s expected of them, and I knew straight away what would be expected of me. I’d have to put the work in to match our reputation.

Key outputs/work you’ve been involved in so far/what are you proud of at this point?

That’s a great question. I’d have to say my latest project that I’m working on. I’ve been setting up a knowledge hub for everyone at Publicis Groupe. So far, this has involved getting together a team consisting of different roles from researchers to authors and publishers to contribute. Our mission is to create a community focused on exploring the B2B world, and drive knowledge of how B2B works across the face of Marcel, Publicis’ AI-powered internal platform. Having the opportunity to manage such a project so early in my career is very exciting to me.

What advice would you give to someone who’s looking for an apprenticeship?

First of all, I’d definitely recommend you sign up to Multiverse. They supported me in finding my apprenticeship and provided me with the resources I needed to succeed. Here are a few tips I used to advance as a candidate. 

  • Be yourself. Be true to your core identity rather than faking a different one because you think it will be attractive to others.
  • Research is key. You want to know what you’re going into. Never rush in blind always prepare yourself for whatever the interviewer could throw at you.
  • Network with others. Mix with as many people as possible. Meeting new people allows so much opportunity to grow, and the interaction with different people at my company has greatly improved some of my skills.
  • Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to get things wrong or ask questions. Your co-workers are there to support you and are always willing to help you figure things out. Sometimes, it’s scary to ask questions, but that’s when you need to step outside your comfort zone.
  • Finally, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Applying for a job can be stressful at times but be patient. Don’t give up! Your time will come. 

To register for Multiverse, visit the following link below. Good luck, everybody!

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